Ethics are the boundaries that define the course of my daily actions. When they're taken and considered broadly, they are indespensible, essential tools worth their weight in untarnished gold. When applied with suffocating specificity, however, they can quickly transform, shackling you to the ground, scrambling your vision hastily. Uncertainty and meekness come to define your countenance, and you become a pale, gaunt shadow of yourself, unable to operate at your full potential. We all have predelicitions towards certain perspectives and viewpoints. These invariably shape our beliefs, which in turn define the very ethics we rely on so furtively to navigate our barren world. In the words of my angelic Mother, if Im guilty of anything, it's having a big heart. Ive come to begrudgingly accept this, for it is folly to run from one's true nature. I struggled to come to terms with my inherent benevolence, because I know for a fact that Im not all good. Where others see a paladin