Hero Temper raging/ Death grip taking/ The blood from my empty face and/ I'm arrested, angry/ Because the best, my daydream/ Is gone, my blessing's taken/ Because of my distressing flagrant/ Disregard/ For these talks/ Weve been in lately/ I mentioned, maybe/ We could stay abreast of changes/ In our moods, but kleptomani-/ A comes and steals the sentries saving/ Us from flexing, blazing/ When under duress or breaking/ I guess I'm wavering/ Under pressure, fading/ I press my shaking/ Fists to the lever waiting/ For me to pull it/ But Im sure it's/ A choice I shouldnt/ Be upset at making/ With the better ways we/ Were both headed wasted/ Let's instead replace this/ Course with something incredible baby/ Cause I know I'm a different person/ When I hit the bourbon/ Or get pissed and hurt when/ Were belittling, cursing/ Each other, I'm a riddle inserted/ Into the middle, bursting/ From a paradox/ Were scared,