My Mother works in the prison industry, in logistics. Her affinity for numbers and an intuitive grasp of bookkeeping led to her easily securing the job. This knowledge however, that, protected as she was by large, physically imposing guards, she was still surrounded by violent inmates with a predisposition for malevolence filled me with malaise and terror. Undeterred, I sought to understand my fears, to combat them with comprehension and alleviate them with knowledge. So I read, immersing myself in the biographies of both convicts and correctional officers, wardens and wards of the state, grown and juvenile. As I digested increasing anounts of information, a part of me, albeit begrudgingly initially, came to admire these men restrained behind unforgiving steel, stone and stigma. Obviously not the rapists and pedophiles, or vast majority of the murderers. All 3 groups should be put to death with extreme prejudice and malice, particularly the second one. But it was the gang members, thos