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Showing posts from April, 2018

Ode To A Coward

Ode To A Coward I see your greedy smile/ It gets my heart beating wild/ Egregious tyrant/ Sleeping mindless/ Believe me I just/ What to see you writhing/ On the ground deeply sliced in/ A few pieces piled in/ A receding flight bin/ To be released at my sig-/ Nal, relief will find me/ Singing lively/ Instead of weeping nightly/ Because my knees are wiping/ Invisible/ Windows full/ Of torment while buckling, preach that fiery/ Pits await this beast inside me/ Left by your discreet enticing/ Of my innocent belief in times we/ Were separated/ From the rest, you decimated/ My head and safety/ With stress and anger/ My pen and paper/ Would step and make the/ Ordeal better when I grew upset and pained cause/ The wind demonstrated/ A new direction, I'm led astray just/ As I said I made it/ Past obsessive hatred/ Cause there are days that/ I want to take your chest and cave it/ In, ventilate it/ With a bent serrated/ Knife, I was devastated/


Imagine Let that flower blossom/ In the midst of dour problems/ Down to call them/ What they are, sour rotten/ Banners calling/ For the standard falling/ Sky, shouting all the/ Ears off the world, surrounding bossy/ Hounding thoughts we/ Cower softly/ From, take a commanding posture/ And wave past the drama/ Of collapsing dollars/ And static parlor/ Tricks/ Too thick/ To stand at all when/ Passion's strong winds/ Make them collapse and topple/ Fashion, Prada/ Contrast with modern/ Financial/ Shackles on a/ Combatted fauna/ Of others like food stamps and condoms/ Imagine all the/ People holding ransoms on the/ Random costs of/ Intellect/ And disconnect/ From this blasted construct/ We sacrifice to/ As ashes blind truth/ Dash behind youth/ To buy your master's nine new/ Matching fine suits/ Getting plastered like glue/ On the weekends/ To release spent/ Energy and free them/ If only for another unanswered night to/ Be a disas

Creative Writer

Creative Writer Inspiration/ Isn't native/ To me, though I'm quick to tame it/ Or at least limit savoring/ It when it visits aiming/ To kick me greatly/ In the middle lane of/ My forgetful brain to/ Quicken pacing/ For my writing, simple training/ Is a little racy/ And leaves me wishing greatly/ For a real replacement/ For this crippling anguish/ We deem the daily grind/ I'm staging my/ Coup and staying right/ Here with angry might/ And aiming like/ A scathing hyped/ Gunslinger aiming high/ When noon claims the sky/ Complacence dies/ And patience thrives/ As I take my life/ Back from lazy tithes/ To the deity of shameless dives/ Into basic lines/ Rank and file/ Claiming titles/ Leave you parading, climbing/ Ascending better than a creative writer/ We're safe and gliding/ Over these hated sirens/ Beckoning to repay our plying/ Labor each day with mindless/ Control, just be brave and sign this/ Contract, be a slave with bl

Darker Days

Darker Days Nervous and eager/ Am I deserving of beatings/ For the hurt I've unleashed on/ The most perfect of creatures/ I'm certain I need to/ Forgive myself because this sermon is weakened/ I'm not an uncertain defeatist/ And I'm learning to swing at/ Impermanent leanings/ Churches and greetings/ Have worked but I'm needing/ Something to burn all the reasons/ That I can't curb with an evening/ Of working and dreaming/ The current relinquished/ Me but I'm back, swerving and weaving/ Cursing and screaming/ Returning to evil/ Ways, like bursting on scenes with/ A metal curvature gleaming/ Over my knuckles, lurking and drinking/ In shadows, surly and weeping/ I'm surely a demon/ Perched and I'm seeking/ New ways to degrade myself/ These pains I've felt/ Refuse to be hanged or shelved/ Days will melt/ Into their greater selves/ The anger pelts/ Me crazed and jailed/ In my own mind, I've repaid my deb

Alone, Not Lonely

                           Alone, Not Lonely I've never understood why people are so petrified of the idea of eating alone. We all have insecurities, and I am far from perfect, but I'm comfortable with myself and know that, save for a select group of friends and family, I naturally prefer the company of an engaging book, powerful podcast, or my own immersive thoughts to the forced companionship of another human being. I can recall on command the awkward social dance that begins whenever I'm caught out in the wild, entranced by a novel, only to be casually approached by an acquaintance who feels that they are fulfilling their unwarranted social duties by sitting with me. Unwilling to be a dick the vast majority of the time, I begrudgingly accept, and am immediately and involuntarily wisked away into the collective cancer we all know too intimately. I speak of course of that dreaded ritual, small talk. Please inform me as to why, rather than strolling relaxed