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Temper raging/
Death grip taking/
The blood from my empty face and/
I'm arrested, angry/
Because the best, my daydream/
Is gone, my blessing's taken/
Because of my distressing flagrant/
For these talks/
Weve been in lately/
I mentioned, maybe/
We could stay abreast of changes/
In our moods, but kleptomani-/
A comes and steals the sentries saving/
Us from flexing, blazing/
When under duress or breaking/
I guess I'm wavering/
Under pressure, fading/
I press my shaking/
Fists to the lever waiting/
For me to pull it/
But Im sure it's/
A choice I shouldnt/
Be upset at making/
With the better ways we/
Were both headed wasted/
Let's instead replace this/
Course with something incredible baby/
Cause I know I'm a different person/
When I hit the bourbon/
Or get pissed and hurt when/
Were belittling, cursing/
Each other, I'm a riddle inserted/
Into the middle, bursting/
From a paradox/
Were scared, we fought/
And the terror we wrought/
Left us clipped, uncertain/
Of our future, a little worse for/
Wear, with blisters, dirt and/
Our innards hurting/
We're crippled surgeons/
Trying to heal the worst in/
Each other/
But lets breathe under/
This prison's curtains/
I wish I'd swerved when/
Speaking those despicable words in/
To our world, a simple earnest/
Attempt and you're still my girl in/
Reality, not just in my pitied person-/
Al dreams, I want to instill the work in/
To this relationship/
Before we deign to quit/
Please wait a bit/
Because you're not a bitch, youre perfect/
And I've been despicable, worthless/
To you, forgive my terseness/
Because you're the inner workings/
Keeping me afloat on my hero's journey/
Exceptional in view/
And light to me, a definite recluse/
You treated tenderly and true/
As I opened up about everything to you/
From my eventual disputes/
With desperation, doom/
And sexual abuse/
Your perspective was renew-/
Ing to me, I was well rested and improved/
Your pedestal's unmoved/
Its just waiting to be entered in by you/
But you never did approve/
Or request the field of view/
That came with the nest of feelings you/
Built in me, a festival of proof/
But if the past is dead/
And my hands are red/
Just know I'm mad, upset/
And have regrets/
We'll never laugh or catch/
A massive breath/
Again because the camera lens/
Caught us at our less/
Than favored/
Like they did back in Sep-/
Tember as we ran and leapt/
Into the ocean, swam and met/
The waves and paddled, swept/
Out and kept/
Up with it just so we could stand and stretch/
In the shallow end/
And as I toweled you, then/
Tossed you back again/
I stood enraptured when/
You looked back at me, your eyes were amber, cleansed/
Like I was in the massive swells/
Of water, two rascals mend-/
Ed by the powder keg/
Of the promise of answers kept/
In a passionate/
Chanting wind/
I know I've been unruly/
A touch brutish/
And uncouth when/
I trudged through these/
Months stupid/
But trust Cupid/
Had once loosed his/
Arrows at us, and has again/
But beauty/
If you're unmoved when/
You read this, I'll have to just/
Do my shallow best/
To punch clueless-/
Ly forward, and move on, a dumb useless/
Mess, but truthfully/
Just know that I'll still pass the test/
If youd give that chance and bless/
Me, I'll run smoothly/
To smash and wrench/
And lunge zooming/
At whatever problem is standing catch/
In your way, please have a rest/
Because even out back in West/
Coast Cali I'll bleed so you dont have to sweat/

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