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Page One

At our throats/
Damn these low/
Points, how'd we go/
From laughing, gloat-/
Ing to the savage roasting/
Of the happy growth we/
Said we'd grab and zone/
Out with, it's a tragic tone/
Set, and at the mom-/
Ent I cant elope/
Passion flows/
Through my veins when I wrap these broke-/
N arms around you, but now I pull/
The ground from toes/
And feet/
Us and say that I feel I stand alone/
Because you're so fast to throw/
Yourself out of the traps and posts/
As we rehash the groans/
From the last disposed/
Evening where we couldve sat and smoked/
Let the fire be brash and choke/
Us with the fumes/
Be exhumed/
Reborn with our hands enclos-/
Ing the other one's, inside them we dance and hold/
Our love again, captured close/
As our rapture flows/
Forth from the trampled bones/
Of our callous tropes/
Because I have to hope/
Without it I'm bankrupt/
I cant stay stuck/
Or remain bucked/
Off this horse so I change up/
The game from/
Disdain pumped/
Through us until our veins shut/
And our brains crumb-/
Le to trying to save us/
And retain love/
With prayer, trust/
And inviting you to bathe und-/
Er the lake of/
Our what we've gained from/
This year alone, the ache of/
Being away from/
Home was slain once/
We met, we'd shake from/
The feeling as our legs rushed/
To meet our hearts as they were raised up/
By our own hands, no trace of/
Angst, cut/
Spirits or blame thrust/
Through our chests like a blade from/
A deranged bum/
And yes I say blunt/
Things, but honestly you're my page one/
In a new book were writing/
That I'm finding/
I cant really sway from/
Every girl before you was a charade, dust/
Settling on my eyes, a waste of/
Time, I've been awakened/
Because without you I'd take the/
Worlds worst pay cut/
We made love/
Into our life preserver/
The riots turn a/
Blind and burdened/
Eye to purging/
Us while time deserts us/
Riding, swerving/
Drunk on the wisest words of/
A siren's sermon/
Fire surging/
Ready to take me, bike and circus/
Included into its bite and burn us/
I tried to merge with/
Your type of mercy/
But I couldnt, guess I'm too unsightly, dirty/
And slightly flirty/
With death, rebels and unsurprising hearses/
Done denying Earthly/
Realities spread here, smite me blurry/
Trice me further/
Up and I'll swipe and perjure/
Us both because I'm climbing, jerking/
You along while your whining, purring/
The price of learning/
This lesson is a life of worry/

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