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Sanguine And Scarlet

You're under siege/
So run with me/
Dont succumb to these/
Disgusting dreams/
You love to scream/
Under cover of night/
Yet stutter with fright/
When forced to come to the light/
Struggle with life/
While bundled cheap/
In ugly leaps/
Toward dusted fiends/
Lust indeed/
Can bust you clean/
But trust in these/
Hard truths/
Theyre all you/
Fucking need/
Ducking free/
Of personal demons/
Hurting you even/
As you confess, slurring your speech with/
Dirty delinquents/
Cursing the heathens/
Youve befriended during your sequence/
Of blurry eyed weekends/
You perfectly meet this/
Sickening standard/
Listen to laughter/
As you descriptively answer/
Ive hidden these passwords/
From you to really distract you/
From feeling detached from/
Our despicable plans to/
Cripple and handle/
A blithering bastard/
Is this romance or/
Something entirely different/
A tricky disaster/
That binds the afflicted/
From finding a picture/
That ties all the distance/
Together while kissing the passion/
Goodbye in secret/
Leave this/
Peace shit/
For those who believe it/
Im creeping/
Towards what I seek in/
The creaking/
That haunts the night, repeat it/
Cause Im speechless/
Lying tongues/
Try to stunt/
My growth but Ill fight and slug/
Until the trials done/
Tightly wrung/
No blood left in this undesirable chunk/
Of warped flesh/
Just more mess/
To form stress/
That slices from/
A corpse left/
In a whore's nest/
Your breath/
Is my next delightful drug/
The sight of blood/
Sanguine and scarlet/
Has me in arms with/
The damned, thieves and harlots/
Im crashed, bleeding all this/
Is my last dream involved with/
This life, my path leads me bawling/
Now scram, leave me falling/
Before my wrath leaps and claws you/
Unmatched, seething, stalling/
I wrap these in gauze and/
Dispatch screaming fallen/
Angels to attack dreaming stars in/
The night, let them burn to a cinder/
Ive learned to forgive them/
For when they burst and deliver/
A shock from eternity/
Not something certainly/
Caught in the worst of things/
But cursed with a sliver/
Of a conscience/
Cut the nonsense/
Im done with all this/
Dumb involvement/
With the lowest rung of progress/
Ive clung to honest/
Self expression/
But death it welcomes/
Me with the drums of constant/
Rumbling walking/
Coming, mocking/
My loving heart with/
The rusty blocking/
Of a suffering sovereign/
But alone, Im not in/
This world, so dont close my coffin/
So distraught if/
I chose to clock in/
To the afterlife/
On my acting time/
Grabbing my/
Saddle I/
Ride shouting my/
I don't have to die/
So come get me/
Cause my passion lies/
In my victory/

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