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The fog is lifted/
But the shot is rico-/
Cheting around with an astonishing quickness/
Adonis lifts his/
Distraught opinion/
Of a lost inscription/
On a memory that I pause and sift in/
Just to be caught with simple/
Staring for the/
Drama living/
In this preposterous prison/
I've created to haunt my vision/
Because I'm not a victim/
To anyone but myself, and when I want to slither/
Out of this obnoxious slippery/
Slope on my belly to avoid the toppling buildings/
I get a nauseous feeling/
And begin to fight a dauntless system/
As my cautious middle/
Ground quakes and I fall in swimming/
I caught a glimmer/
Of hope in a twinkling glance/
Singing rapt/
Songs that drink these past/
Few hours away, a clinking glass/
Leaves me sad/
But breathing blasts/
Of hot air that delete these acts/
Of contrition/
Against me with dumb fiction/
And I'm done listening/
To an obscene recant-/
Ing of what I thought were unceasing cracks/
In my mental screen and flash/
Deeper wrath/
Had me sneaking brash/
Until I couldn't see the shad-/
Ows screaming that/
They were either dreams or facts/
Clean the at-/
Tic of my mind and unleash the traps/
For all these lies to have their necks seized and snapped/
I'm not a weakling damned/
To be obsessed with compulsions/
I'm blessed with a fulcrum/
To fund sense with the bullshit/
That dumped wretched convulsions/
On me, I trumped wreckage with boldness/
Deaf to the old cliffs/
I'd descend with a sultry/
Dose of penance and cold drink/
I'm unrepentant, my soul needs/
To send me a home team/
Death to the cords these/
Whispers seldom informed me/
Never could hold me/
Without my consent and ignoring/
Of truth, respect my authori-/
Ty, I'm unchecked and it's full steam/
Ahead, out from under black clouds/
That clamp down/
On me whenever I stand around/
Admiring their loud claps/
Of thunder/
That troubles/
Me as tenuous bands crowd/
Me and slam proud/
Because they've caught me with my pants down/
Again, mad crown/
King of fools in a brash gown/
Headed for the circus, sad clown/
Relapsed, oust-/
Ed from his patched brow/
By his own hands sounds/
His spirit song, I'm outbound/
Because irrelevance/
Made me a seperatist/
From the deficit/
Of intelligence/
That defines this irreverent/
Denial of what questions lift/
The obfuscation/
Not replacing/
The unsettling/
Details because they never hit/
Me, no threat exists/
So I'll tether this/
Mind to a severance/
Package of rhetoric/
And legible/
Affirmations to keep me headed in/
The right direction/
This time I'm betting/
The strife is ending/
Because I'm better in/
My element/
So settle in/
And let's begin/
To end the list/
Of definite/
Compromising my mental shift/
Towards blending this/
And unyielding/
Part of my front shielded/
Mind with the rest of it/

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