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My dearest secret/
I fear I'll keep it/
Here or even/
As I near the evening/
You're clearly creeping/
Into my heart, sheer and cleanly/
I feel the stinging/
Of Cupid's arrows spearing deeply/
My spirit's singing/
It cheers and reaches/
For the heavens we/
Sought to mirror in Eden/
On Earth/
Then stop your/
Endearing dreamy/
Weary slinking/
Off to nights of bleary twinkling/
Eyes my dear I'm shrinking/
In your light its beautiful/
You see the/
Good in me I'm too beat to/
View regal/
The fury of/
Losing the/
Soothing of/
Prudent love/
Is unusual/
To me, clueing rushed/
Thoughts that moving a-/
Way from you is being unglued from gold/
And truth be told/
You're the shimmer in my armor/
The glimmer in my heart for/
The sinner and the martyr/
That listen for our God's words/
The pistol on my farthest/
Hip for when I'm charging/
Into battle/
To dismantle/
The symptoms of my karma/
You whisper and I follow/
Even when crippled or distraught cause/
Your existence is the marker/
That lifts me into stronger/
Pillars to exalt the/
Missions weve embarked on/
And when I'm blistered and I'm fallen/
You kiss me and I'm walking/
These fists bleed and are always/
Hitting and then blocking/
I'm a lifter and a boxer/
But if you're with me then I'm honest/
Because simply you just calm me/
Let's make our own history in this balmy/
Impairing my/
Cherished life/
Led single and aware of kinds/
Of love that could clarify/
The errant lies/
That ensnare the signs/
That bear the grime/
And tear up lines/
That would be crossed if I would dare to try/
With you to rarified/
Scary heights/
Of these awesome peaks of/
Uncharted pieces/
We've got to see in/
Walk with me cause/
Talk is cheap and/
Cars and beeping/
Horns cant stop the beat of/
Our hearts in sync and/
All of these are/
In the cards we keep and/
Its startling that/
As we embark on these/
Uncharted seas/
Towards the embrace of the arms we seek/
And as the future beckons/
The truths and lessons/
You soothed and left me/
With were worth the blues and stresses/
And I'd choose to weather/
Them again just to prove the blessing/
Your love has been to this rootless rebel/
Ruthless ene-/
Mies are rude and death for/
Me, but with your moving presence/
I'll survive and be what you intended/
And soon the tethers/
Holding us swooned, together/
Will loosen, sever/
And I'll be across the ocean blue, dismembered/
But baby, just you remember/
That our room is every-/
Where we loom as spectres/
So no tears, just smoothly enter/
This new phase, let's groom the embers/
Dont resist/
Just meet this/
Like the phoenix/
With its plumes and feathers/
And we'll bloom forever/

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