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Pine Box

Pine Box

You're wondering why I called/

Because this is all my right fault/

I might drawl/

Into the phone after the night finds prob-/

Lems with me, let's fight like all/

Those days we'd dive right off/

The platform, try light falls/

Ignite slight brawls/

And rise, life brought/

Us to this dry pine box/

You cant climb my balls/

To reach my coattails/

Bitch you know well/

Enough that the slow Hell/

You left me in is so pale/

Compared to the joke jail/

We both fell/

Into, oh, tell/

Me about the ghosts wail-/

Ing in the night that exposed trails/

Straight to the Devil I am, grow sails/

And drift away, but dont sell/

Me short as I post bail/

You'll eat crow, del-/

Icate little liar, my bones felt/

So frail/

As I awoke, held/

Prisoner in Death's own knell/

A poet quells/

His demons with prose, care-/

Ful words and a pen's stroke, delv-/

Ing deep into their hearts, alone paired/

With a light shone where/

Only they can go, stairs/

Creak ominous/

It seems all of this/

Was a dream, startling/

Me back into reality, but it keeps haunting me/

Please, talk to me/

But then leave, washing me/

Clean, artfully/

The deep waters we/

Had freeze, tarnishing/

The memories, all reced-/

Ing in a mean harvesting/

That we reaped cautiously/

Then the wind blew these promises/

Into the seas, charting these/

Weeping hearts that we/

Beat often with/

Cheap awful screech-/

Ing dropping me/

Off the map, I cling to each problem we/

Had, because I see solving these/

As the way back/

To the same track/

Where we walked in sync/

I'm the Beast, snarling, swing-/

Ing out and you're the Beauty, calming me/

But then we drifted/

Apart and seemed wilted/

Our roses need dripping/

Tears as water to be gifted/

Life, so please hear this/

Underneath prison/

Walls and seek infants/

We visual-/

Ized, our blessings, children/

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