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Shining Brass

I watched as your eyes glistened/
I'm sickened/
By the response that I've flickered/
Across your face, denied this and/
I'm so tired of wishing/
That I could grant your desires/
The nights listening/
And my hands are still tied up/
I have to remind us/
That the past is a violent/
Clash with the blinders/
We've put up just to dance in the light of/
Two hearts, their passionate fire/
Burning chaotically/
Hurting, break all of me/
Enrapture me kindly/
Because we're hazardous, trying/
To avert a disaster aligning/
Baby, I'm just brass that is shining/
Like gold next to your immaculate smile/
Damned if I'm tied to/
The shore, an island grabbed me and denied the/
Soul forming, stabbed and divided/
So we laugh at the pile/
Of emotions we've become, and bask in the time that/
We have left/
Because my last breath/
Will be trapped in your eyelids/
As they close and form a barricade/
When we separate/
And devastate/
Each other the terror awaits/
But I would swear your face/
Is still serene, a mirror straight/
Into my vulnerability, a pair afraid/
Of leaving, so don't tear away/
And dare to break/
A connection that marinates/
The fairest way/
Isn't clear and safe/
But take my hand as I stare at fate/
with no restraint/
And make it blink/
And say to me/
I made a fair mistake/
As the air abates/
And in your absence I'm choking/
Just know we/
Will always be joined by the only/
Thing that matters, be closely/
Bonded and focused/
On the coast of/
The waters edge, lonely/
But hope is/
Deep, as we turn coldly/
From the warmth, for one last time, please hold me/
The pulsing/
Of my heart is pulling/
Me closer to you, folding/
My resolve/
To belong/
Among the strong/
As my independence is forming/
I'm cornered/
And tortured/
But forcing/
My way to a source of oxygen/
I fought the drift/
That carried me away, to start again/
But a pardoned sin/
Would mark the shift/
Away as I cock my fists/
Partial hits/
To my heart will send/
Me down, and I'm lost within/
With a locked defense/
Because I'm clutching my chest, it's cavernous/
I'm clamoring/
Towards the sky for something standing in/
For what I've lost, slashed and bled/
Out, I find that I'm damned again/
I had to live/
And so do you, but in the process I sold my spirit/
We're nearing/
The end of the line, and the fear eats/
At my dear feet/
My angel with pierced wings/
Is going to fly away fiercely/
And I'll be existing/
My skin to tattered shreds/
On the blasted edge/
Of a bastards head/
While stripping/
Away everything to rediscover what you gave me/
I'm ashamed, see/
So I'm changing/
Who I am, I'm phasing/
Out and angry/
You made me/
Face these/
Demons greatly/
And I conquered them, savoring/
The taste of their blood, basing/
My life on your companionship/
Come wrap these lips/
Around mine, succumb happy when/
We're together, in drunk laughing fits/
Some tragic shit/
Happens, but remember this promise/
The constant/
In my life is that I love you, and that's being honest/

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